Graduate Studies FAQ for Current Students
Registering for Classes
I am a current degree-seeking graduate student, should I register every semester?
Yes. Continuous registration is required in each fall and spring semester until all degree requirements have been completed. Check the Registrar’s Student Academic Calendar and the NJIT Payment Policy page for drop/add, resign and financial liability deadlines.
How many credits should I register for in order to be considered a full-time graduate student?
Nine credits is considered full time.
Can I register for fewer than 9 credits and still be considered a full-time student?
- Master’s students may register for less than nine credits in their last semester in the program and receive full-time certification. Details are posted at /full-time-status-ms-students/.
- Ph.D. students may register for less than nine credits earlier and receive full-time certification as per Also see /full-time-status-phd-students/.
Students should contact your academic program’s graduate coordinator (before the semester begins) to see if you qualify for full-time certification.
How do I find out who my advisor is?
You will be assigned an advisor during the admissions process. If you do not recall who your advisor is, you should contact your department directly. Students are required to communicate with their advisor before registering for classes. We strongly recommend that students communicate regularly with their advisor as they play an important role in a graduate student's course of study.
I have a registration hold. What does this mean and what should I do?
Registration holds create an opportunity for graduate students to consult with their advisors to make sure they are on the path to graduate. As such, registration holds are placed on all graduate students' records prior to the registration period. To get the hold removed, students must communicate with their graduate advisors or PhD program directors to discuss their course options for the upcoming semester. Note: Students who register late may have issues with full-time certification and on time payments for supported students.
I have been certified as a full-time student, but my loan company tells me I am not a full-time student. What is the problem?
NJIT enrollment information is sent to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) on a monthly basis, with more frequent transmission around degree conferral dates and at the beginning of each semester. If the enrollment report has not yet been sent, your loan company may not see your current enrollment data. For more information regarding enrollment verification, please contact the Office of the Registrar. You may also want to contact Financial Aid.
The deadline for registration has passed, but I need to add a course. What should I do?
Students cannot add courses to their registration after the official course add/drop date shown in the Registrar’s calendar. You may want to contact your academic program’s graduate coordinator for extenuating circumstances.
I want (or need) to take a break from my program and will not register next semester. What should I do?
First, be sure to speak with your academic program’s graduate coordinator about your intentions. If you are an MS international student, you may request a leave of absence from your program by filing a Leave of Absence form which must be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester in which the leave is to begin. Doctoral students must contact the Office of Graduate Studies and set up a meeting with the Vice Provost and Director to obtain their approval. Set up an appointment using the appointment request form. For more information on leave of absence, go here.
I am currently enrolled in classes, but an emergency has come up and I cannot finish this semester. What should I do?
Contact your academic program’s graduate coordinator immediately to review your options. For qualifying emergencies, eligibility criteria and required supporting documentation are outlined in the Request for Academic Withdrawal. Please be sure to review the Registrar’s Student Academic Calendar and the Student Accounts Financial Liability deadlines.
Preparing to Graduate
How long do I have to complete my degree?
Students are expected to complete all requirements for their degrees as expeditiously as possible, within the maximum timeframe allowed: No more than 2 years for master’s degrees and a maximum of 6 years for doctoral degrees. More information can be found in the Graduate Catalog.
I want to graduate next semester: what steps should I take and what documents do I need?
Please see our Graduation Requirements & Deadlines page for more information. Please note it is your responsibility to be aware of the academic deadlines for all degree conferral paperwork.
Do I need to apply for graduation?
Details are available at
I want to walk in the commencement ceremony. I will have one to two classes remaining after the Spring semester which I plan to complete in the summer. If so, how do I register to walk and who do I speak with?
You will need to submit a “Permission to Walk” request to in the beginning of March with a strong reason, good academic standing and zero account balance if you expect to complete all your classes by the summer. Determinations will be made in April. The Vice Provost reviews appeals for participating in commencement on a case-by-case basis, and does not start doing such reviews until the end of March.
Am I required to attend graduation?
The annual graduation ceremony for all graduating students is held in May. Students are encouraged, but not required, to attend the university commencement ceremony. Individual colleges may also have program-specific events in May that are intended to recognize and honor each graduate individually. More details can be found on the NJIT Commencement webpage. This will get updated closer to the commencement date.
I would like to participate in the following year’s commencement due to current extenuating circumstances. How do I do this?
You will need to submit a “Permission to Walk” request to GSO in the beginning of March of that commencement year. You need to have a strong reason, good academic standing and no balance in your account. The Vice Provost reviews appeals for participating in commencement on a case-by-case basis, and does not start doing such reviews until end of March.
Financial Support
I want to find out the status of my financial support (nomination form).
Students who do not have any details about their nomination forms must contact their own departments first to confirm that it has been put through the system. If the student has the details that it has been submitted, then the student should contact, and GSO (Graduate Studies Office) can check the GANS nomination system for status updates.
I am a graduate student employee. How do I get more information on UCAN eligibility and membership?
GSO has created a webpage to list important information for PhD students who serve as TAs or RAs and are eligible for UCAN membership. Eligible students should read the page contents at their earliest. The UCAN contract is available on the Human Resources website.
I will be traveling to present at a conference. Where do I get details on travel reimbursement provided by the GSA?
Details and forms on the travel reimbursement process are on the GSO website. The GSA website also has the link and information.
Health Insurance
I have a question regarding my student health insurance. Who should I contact?
You can find information about student health insurance here. If you have questions relating to enrollment or a waiver, please contact
Professional Development and Student Involvement
I feel I need help with my communication, writing, presentation and networking skills. How can GSO help?
GSO offers a multitude of ways to help our graduate students develop professionally.
The Canvas PhD Professional Development course contains a multitude of resources to help doctoral students write their dissertation, present effectively as well as benefit from other professional development tools.
GSO also offers on campus professional development seminars. Information on past professional development seminars and pertinent materials are available in Canvas. The Graduate Studies Connection monthly newsletter also highlights upcoming events, workshops, and webinars.
How do I get involved in graduate student clubs?
Graduate school is a great time to meet new people. Meeting new students, making connections, and building relationships will all help down the road when you are looking for a job! In addition to leaving your mark in graduate school, you will learn more about yourself, develop soft skills, learn how to work with a team, and get networking opportunities. You can find information on clubs, opportunities, and upcoming events on the Graduate Student Association website. Other opportunities are getting actively involved with the GSA, as well as the PhD Club.
External Scholarship/Fellowship Opportunities and Student Competitions
How do I find information on external funding such as research opportunities or fellowships as a current graduate student?
Doctoral and master’s students can find external grant and fellowship opportunities to aid them in their educational endeavors from a variety of sources. A listing of external funding opportunities is available on the GSO website. Also, the Graduate Studies Connection newsletter highlights external sources that may offer funding opportunities relevant to our graduate students.
Does NJIT have any research and innovation competitions and showcase events for graduate students?
Yes! NJIT offers many opportunities, including Graduate Research Day, 3 Minute Research Presentation (3MRP) Dana Knox Showcase Competition, NSF I-Corps Program, New Business Model Competition, New Jersey Innovation Acceleration Center, and VentureLink.
GSO Contact
What are your operating hours?
The GSO office hours are 8:30AM - 4:30PM, Monday to Friday.
I have a question and would like to meet with someone from the Office of Graduate Studies in-person.
If you need to meet with a particular GSO staff member, scheduling an appointment in advance is strongly recommended. To schedule an appointment, please click here. You may also email with any questions you may have as a graduate student. Most issues and questions can also be answered over email, phone, or WebEx. If you need to drop off or pick up items, it is recommended to first contact the person you are dropping off with or picking up from to determine when you should come by.
Is there a listing and description of key departments and contacts for graduate students?
Yes. Whether you are a new graduate student, or a continuing graduate student, the Graduate Student Guidebook is your helpful guide to NJIT. The annually updated guidebook contains key contacts and descriptions and responsibilities of offices and departments related to graduate students. It also contains a description of the five academic colleges and all the graduate degrees offered.
I sent an email to the GSO mailbox, and I still have not heard back.
Please allow up to three business days for a reply to your email.
Can my parent/relative/friend contact NJIT and find out about my performance at NJIT (i.e. grade in a given course, overall grade point average, or course enrollment)?
No. Due to FERPA, such matters can only be discussed directly with a student. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
Technical Issues
I am having trouble accessing my account/I need to reset my password/I don’t know my UCID
Such issues should be directed to Information Services and Technology.
I have mistyped my email address in my record. How do I fix it?
Students can change their own email in the Self-Service portal.
Thesis & Dissertation Formatting and Reviews
Is there a page limit on the biosketch?
The average biosketch is 1-2 pages.
What does the dissertation charge cover specifically?
Copyright fee for the dissertation.
Don’t the student fees and matriculation fees cover these required costs?
No, those fees only cover the costs during your studies.
What is the timeline and requirements for my dissertation/thesis submission?
PhD students and MS Thesis students can find their respective timetables here.
What is the timeline for my PhD program milestones?
The following link will show the program milestone timeline as well as the links to initiate the milestone reports. The Ph.D. proposal and defense reports should be initiated one to two days before the defense dates.
How do I make an appointment for my format review?
Please make an appointment for your PhD dissertation or MS thesis review by clicking this link.
General Questions
What are some of the most important things a graduate student can do in order to be successful?
You should read! Read the Graduate Studies website and be aware of the requirements and timeline. Read your emails to learn about opportunities and resources. You should refer to the Graduate Catalog often, especially the Academic Policies and Procedures. Establish positive relationships! Communicating with your advisor and committee members will be important to your success as well. And be proactive! Think about what you want from your graduate studies and identify opportunities to attain those goals.
How can I transfer graduate credits from another institution to my current NJIT graduate program?
Each graduate program will determine the applicability of previous graduate courses proposed for transfer credit. Please review NJIT’s transfer credits policy and contact your department’s graduate director and major advisor to determine the transfer credits’ eligibility and for initial departmental approval. Once the department approves the transfer credit, you will need to submit a Transfer Request Form for final approval by the Office of Graduate Studies. We recommend submitting the transfer request form within the first year of your degree matriculation. See here for more details.
If I repeat a graduate course, will the grade for that course remain on my transcript and will it affect my GPA?
All graduate courses/credits for which you have registered and the grades earned will be recorded on your transcript (unless the course was officially dropped before the add/drop deadline). Exclusive of the non-weighted grades, all weighted grades will be calculated into the “cumulative” graduate GPA reflected on the transcript.
I was informed that I have reached my degree time limit. What does that mean?
Students who have reached their degree time limit are prevented from future course registration. Master’s degree students must complete their program within two years from their admission date. Doctoral degrees must be completed within six years from the student’s initial formal matriculation in that doctoral program. Please consult with your academic advisor.
How do I get a copy of my official transcript or diploma?
Transcripts and diplomas are handled by the Registrar’s office. You can click on these links to order transcripts or a diploma.
Where can I find information about career planning and post-graduation employment?
Visit the Career Development Services. Services and events such as workshops, company information sessions, on-campus interviewing, and career counseling are offered virtually. You can request an appointment to be conducted virtually with your Career Advisor via Handshake to discuss any concerns regarding employment and your job search
I have a B in my graduate course. What is that considered?
The following grades below are used for graduate courses. Click here for more detailed information.
Grade |
Significance |
A |
4.0 |
Excellent |
B+ |
3.5 |
Good |
B |
3.0 |
Acceptable |
C+ |
2.5 |
Marginal Performance |
C |
2.0 |
Minimum Performance |
F |
0.0 |
Failure |
I |
Incomplete |
W |
Approved Withdrawal |
AU |
Audited (no academic credit) |
S or U |
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory |
P |
Passing for Master's Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation |
(Unlike undergraduate courses, there is no D grade for graduate courses. Assigned grades must be consistent with the level of the course and not the matriculation level of the student in the course. Grades used in GPA calculations (A, B+, B, C+, C, and F) are not to be used as grades for dissertation research (790), pre-doctoral research (792), master's thesis, 0, 1/2, and 1 credit seminars, co-op, teaching methods, and ESL courses. Incompletes are not assignable for these courses with the exception of co-op as described later.)
What does Probation status mean?
Students who have completed at least 9 credits and do not achieve satisfactory academic standing may be placed on academic probation or be subject to dismissal. Conditions for continuing graduate study at NJIT are sent to students on academic probation. The academic advisors will work with students to determine approaches toward successful program completion. Academic probation is noted on the permanent academic record. Students on probation for two consecutive semesters are subject to dismissal from the graduate program.
What is the meaning of Subject to Academic Dismissal?
Students may be dismissed from graduate studies for cause at any time. Cause shall include, but is not limited to:
- Failing to meet the conditions of admission.
- Failing to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 after completing one semester or attempting at least 9 credits.
- Failing to make satisfactory progress toward a degree.
- Failing to meet the requirements for graduation.
- Failing a required or repeated course more than once.
- Failing to satisfy requirements for project, thesis, or dissertation within the required time limits.
- Failing doctoral qualifying and similar examinations required for continuing studies in the program, or failing to take examinations within prescribed time limits.
- Professional conduct offenses as defined in the NJIT Code of Professional Conduct.
- Making a false representation relating to admission, registration, or the awarding of financial support.
- Failure to pay all tuition, fees and other charges within the required time limits.
Dismissal is noted on the permanent academic record. Decisions relating to a graduate student's academic status are made in accordance with regulations approved by the faculty and its standing committees. Students who disagree with a decision should attempt to resolve the matter with those immediately responsible. When a matter cannot be resolved at this level, students should appeal to the Chairperson of the department and then to the Dean of their school or college.
Does the Office of Graduate Studies handle applications for entry into NJIT’s graduate programs?
No, that is handled by the Office of University Admissions. Applications for entry into graduate programs are handled by the Office of University Admissions with input from the academic department of the program you’re interested in.
Does the Office of Graduate Studies handle distribution of financial aid?
No. Financial aid sources will vary depending on what type of aid you are seeking. Private loans and similar types are handled by Student Financial Aid Services. Fellowships and assistantships are handled at the departmental level.
I am international student and I have questions relating to my immigration status, such as questions about my student visa, I-20, etc.
Any questions relating to the immigration forms for international students should be directed to the Office of Global Initiatives.
I am interested in the BS-MS / MS-MS / BS-PhD program option.
Any questions related to these accelerated program combination options should be directed to the Office of University Admissions.
Committee Members (MS Thesis, PhD Dissertation)
The rules governing the composition of the proposal/defense committee are in the graduate catalog. Remember to work on this with your thesis/dissertation advisor.